An International Conference

Asian Crisis, V: 

New Challenges and Opportunities for the Post-Crisis Asia

Downloadable Papers

Please note that copyrights of the following papers belong to the authors.

For the latest versions of the papers, please contact the authors directly.

Ashir Mehta

East Asian Crisis and Recovery: The Role of International Capital Flows

Yi-Chi Chen and Kar-yiu Wong Asymmetric Stock-Returns Volatility Transmissions During the Asian Financial Crisis: the case of the ASEAN markets
Jin Kwon Hyun and Byung-In Lim

Financial Crisis and Income Distribution in Korea: The Role of Income Tax Policy

Eiji Ogawa and Kentaro Kawasaki

What Should Be Weights on the Three Major Currencies for a Common Currency Basket in East Asia?

Woosik Moon and  Jong Kun Lee Exchange Rate Flexibility and Economic Recovery of Korea: To what extent did the depreciation of the Korean won affect the earnings of the Korean Manufacturing Firms?
Lawrence J. Lau and Isabel K. Yan Predicting Currency Crises with a Nested Logit Model
Kiseok Hong, Jong-Wha Lee, and Young Soo Lee Investment by Korean Chaebols before and after the Crisis
Hyun-Hoon Lee and Chan-Hyun Sohn Korea’s Marginal Intra-industry Trade and the Choice of Preferential Partners
Heather Montgomery Do Foreign Banks Provide More Stable Credit

Shin-ichi Fukuda and Masanori Ono

The Choice of Invoice Currency under Uncertainty: Theory and Evidence from Korea

Rupa Duttagupta and Antonio Spilimbergo What Happened to Asian Exports During the Crisis?
Nor’Aznin Abu Bakar Solvency Index in Identifying Asian Crisis: The Case of Malaysia
Tran Van Hoa Trade and Growth of Trade in Post-crisis ASEAN and East Asia: Challenges and Opportunities
David Deok-Ki Kim Did the Current Account Matter? The Case of Korea
Hongshik Lee Expansion strategies of South KOREAN MULTINATIONALS
Masahiro ENYA, Akira KOHSAKA, and Mervin POBRE Credit Crunch in East Asia: A Retrospective
Soyoung Kim, Sunghyun H. Kim, and Yunjong Wang

Financial Integration and Consumption Risk Sharing in East Asia


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