External Links
(last update:
June 13, 2002
Please sign my
guestbook. You can talk about your views of China and the WTO.

(A) China's accession to WTO (To see more articles and commentary, click here.) top of page
- Financial
Times's special
issue on "China and the WTO"
- Nov
12, 2001. "Taiwan
officially joins WTO", CNN web site.
- Nov
11, 2001. "China
officially joins WTO", CNN web site.
- South China Morning Post's
special sections on China's accession to the WTO #1,
- Final
(hopefully) details of China's Accession to the WTO:
- more updated articles or read Muzi's DailyNews
- China-EU
trade deal (May 19, 2000) - main
page (speech); highlights in pdf
or html
- Impacts
on the state of Washington: general
assessment of benefits; sector
by sector benefits; WCIT's
PNTR home papge
- US's point of view:
overview; state
by state breakdown of opportunities; state
by state breakdown of agriculture opportunities
- a University
of Washington term paper by Kevin Stemp
- China-EU negotation (Feb 25, 2000)
- Canada and China sign bilateral trade agreement
- Press release on the agreement
- Narrative with USTR; Q & A session
Nov 16, 1999.
HELENE COOPER, BOB DAVIS and IAN JOHNSON."In Historic Pact, U.S. Opens Way For China to Finally Join the WTO," Wall Street Journal.
Nov 16, 1999. An update by Washington State China Relations Council
Nov 15, 1999.
Charles Hutzler and Naomi Koppel."China, U.S. sign breakthrough trade deal," Seattle Times
- US International Trade Commission report on "Assesment of the Economic Effects on the United States of China's Accession to the WTO" Full Report (270 pages!)
- Executive Summary of the above report.
- State Merchandise Exports to China (detailed)
- State Merchandise Export Totals to China (Summary)
- US Trade with HK, China, Taiwan Statistics
- Congressional Research Service: China-US Trade Issues (part 1)
- Congressional Research Service: China-US Trade Issues (part 2)
- US High-Tech Industry Coalition on China Position Paper
- National Bureau on Asian Research: "China's Accession to the WTO: A Candid Appraisal from US Industry"
- China's Interest in the WTO
- Electronic Industries Alliance: EIA Statement on the US-China WTO Negotiations
- Information Technology Association of America seeks conditions on China's WTO entry
- The International Economy, China's Growing Trade Imbalance
- Economic Stratagy Institute, China Trade Policy and the WTO, Testimony before House Committee on Commerce:
- The United States-China Business Council, China's Economic and Leading Financial Indicators
- The United States-China Business Council, Foreign Direct Investment in China
- The United States-China Business Council, China Trade Figures
- The United States-China Business Council, Understanding the US-China Balance of Trade
- National Bureau of Asian Research, Coming to Terms With the "WTO EFFECT" on US-China Trade and China's Economic Growth
- Business Coalition for US-CHINA Trade, Questions and Answers: US-China WTO Negotiations
- China in the recent Asian crisis
(B) The WTO ministerial meeting in Seattle (top of page)
(C) US External Trade (top of page)
(D) Investment Issues and the TRIMs Agreement (top of page)
1. stated positions of countries in the Seattle meeting, 1999
- Mexico Wants 5 more years for TRIM implimentation
- Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Uganda all want TRIMs extensions
- Brazil wants more time for TRIMS
- Columbia wants more time for TRIMS
- Hong Kong, Switzerland, Korea, and European Community want to talk about Foreign Investment
- Japan wants multi-lateral rule making on Investment
2. foreign investment Statistical Data: