A Joint Conference of
Globalization and
Regional Economic
Development |
December 15-16, 2006
Gyeong Ju, Korea

downloadable papers
list of participants
local transportation
hotel accommodation
Young Ho Choi,
President, Korea Economics and Business Association (KEBA)
Sang Bong Oh,
President, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade
Kar-yiu Wong,
Director, Research Center for International Economics (RCIE),
University of Washington and President, Asia-Pacific Economic
Chul Hong, President,
Daegu Gyeongbok Development Institute (DGI)
Joon Han Kim, CEO
& President, POSCO Research Institute (POSRI)
Young Sam Kim,
President, Busan Development Institute (BDI)
Yung Joon Lee,
Director, Asian Institute of Regional Innovation (AIRI) |
Kar-yiu Wong,
University of Washington (co-chair)
Gwang-Lag Son,
Yeungnam University (co-chair)
E. Kwan Choi, Iowa
State University
Chang Jin Kim, Korea
Ho Bum Kim, Pusan
National University
Il Tae Kim,
Chonnam National University
Pierre-Bruno Ruffini,
University of Le Havre
Myung Bae Yeom,
Chungnam National University
Jin Guen Yoo, Korea
Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade |
Local Organizing
Committee: |
Soo Seok Sohn, Kyungil
University (chair)
Taek-Dong Yeo,
Yeungnam University
Du Sub Shin, Daegu
Gyeungbok Development Institute
Chongung Kim, Daegu
Haany University
Ki Dong Lee, Keimyung
Youn Won Kim, Daegu
Byeong Ho Choe,
Pusan National University
Byung Kun Rhee,
Pukyong National University
Chang Kon Choi,
Chonbuk National University
Sang Ho Lee,
Chonnam National University
Ki Ho Jeong,
Kyungpook National University
Soo Hyun Joo, Busan
Development Institute
In Won Seo, Daegu
Gyeungbok Development Institute
Dong Woon Kim, POSCO
Research Institute
Kyo-Ook Song, Busan
Development Institute

policy makers, and practitioners are invited to submit papers for
presentation in the conference. Papers
related to the following issues,
both theoretical
and empirical ones, are most welcome.
Globalization and its impacts on regional economies;
FTAs and
their impacts on regional economies;
innovation system and regional development strategies;
Issues on
local public finance, housing, and human settlements; and
Studies of regional economic development.
Please send
Gwang-Lag Son <glson@yumail.ac.kr>
Kar-yiu Wong
<karyiu@u.washington.edu> a
draft of a paper or an extended abstract, 500+ words long, in English,
with your name, affiliation, academic position, mail and e-mail
addresses, and phone and fax numbers, by
September 15, 2006. The final version of all papers for
presentation will be due November 15, 2006.
Papers will be
selected by a selection committee.
Asian crisis home page
- "Asian
Crisis" conference, Seattle, December 29-30, 1998
- " Asian
Crisis, II" conference, Seattle, January 4 - 5, 2000
"Asian Crisis, III" conference, Tokyo, July 17-18, 2001
- "Asian
Crisis, IV" conference, Taipei, July 24-25, 2002
- "Asian
Crisis, V" conference, Chuncheon, Korea December 9-10, 2003
"Asian Crisis, VI" conference, Tokyo, Japan, August 30-31, 2004
- Kar-yiu
Wong's home
accession to the WTO (lots of information and links)
- "WTO and
World Trade, IV" Seattle, September 28, 2002
- "WTO and
World Trade, III" Duisburg, Germany, June 29-30, 2002
- "WTO
and World Trade, II" Seattle, April 28-29, 2001
- "WTO and World
Trade" conference, Seattle, December 4, 1999
- "WTO,
China, and the Asian Economies, IV" Beijing, China, June
24-25, 2006
- "WTO,
China, and the Asian Economies, III" Xi'an, China June 25-26,
- "WTO,
China, and the Asian Economies," Beijing, June 18-19, 2004
- "WTO, China,
and the Asian Economies" Hong Kong, November 9-10, 2002.
- "Greater
China and the World Economy" conference, Hong Kong, July
17-18, 2000
- "Greater
China and the WTO" conference, Hong Kong, March 22-24, 2001