International Workshop

"International Trade, Industrial Organization, and Asia"

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong:  August 2-6, 1999

Papers for Presentation at the Workshop

Papers posted here are for the convenience of participants and other interested readers.
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CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Cheng Hsiao, Seung-Jae Yhee and J. B. Nugent, "A censored Switching Regression Approach to Evaluating the Effect of Sunk Costs and Firm-Level Diseqilibrium on Export Performance"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Yum K. Kwan, Leonard K. Cheng, and Francis T. Lui, "CREDIBILITY OF HONG KONGĄĶS CURRENCY BOARD: The Role of Institutional Arrangements"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Hong Hwang and Jiunn-Rong Chiou, "Technological Upgrading under Tariffs and Equivalent Quotas"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Sajal Lahiri and Saqib Jafarey, "Will Trade Sanctions Reduce Child Labour?"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Mohammed Mohsin and Mahmudul Anam, "EXPORT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: EVIDENCE FROM THE ASEAN COUNTRIES"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Zhigang TAO and Larry QIU, "Export, Foreign Direct Investment and Local Content Requirement"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Chung Yi Tse, "The Distribution of Human Capital, Market Structure, and Investment in Technology"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Ngo Van Long, Raymond Riezman, and Antoine Soubeyran, "Trade Liberalization and Specific Human Capital Accumulation"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Zhao Zhigang, "Determinants of ChinaĄĶs Intra-Industry Trade in Manufactures (1984-1994): A Tobit cum Fixed Effect Panel Data Model Application"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Stephen Gong Xihe, "Financing of Transportation Companies In Hong Kong and Mainland China: The Case of Initial Public Offerings"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Koji Shimomura and Kazuo Nishimura, "Indeterminacy in a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Edwin Lai and Larry Qiu, "Northern Intellectual Property Rights Standards for the South?"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Jin-Li Hu and Horn-In Kou, "Tariff Policy and Environmental Qualities of Imported Goods"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Anming Zhang, Jong-Hun Park, and Yimin Zhang, "A Model of International Alliances in the Airline Industry"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Marcus Ling and Kevin A. Lawler, "An Economic Analysis of Technological Diffusion in East Asia"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Shuhe Li, "The Road from Socialism to Capitalism: Determinants of the Private Sector Development in Chinese Industry"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Eric Bond, "Multilateralism, Regionalism, and the Sustainability of 'Natural' Trading Blocs"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Gunsub Hyun, "Provincial Income Inequality in China: Economic Reforms and Internal Migration"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Kar-yiu Wong and Ngo Van Long, "A Tale of Two Ports"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Wing-Fai Leung, "Industrial Transformation: International Trade and External Economies"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Chang-Tai Hsieh and Keong T. Woo, "Impact of Outsourcing to China on Hong Kong's Labor Market"
CheckboxB015.gif (229 bytes) Guobo Huang and Yang-Yang Li, "Capital Mobility Before and During the Currency Crisis: Experience of Four Asian Countries"

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