Call for
papers: |
Papers for presentation may be
theoretical or empirical, and do not necessarily have to be directly related to any Asian
country although studies of Asian economies and papers with policy analysis and
implications that can be applied to Asia will be particularly welcome. The workshop, which will be held on the campus of City University of Hong Kong,
will be conducted in a participant-friendly way in order to provide ample opportunities to
participants for constructive discussions and interactions.
Subject to availability, office space will be provided to overseas
participants during the week of the workshop.
If interested, please send an abstract --- a paper will be preferred ---
to Kar-yiu Wong, Department of Economics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
98195-3330, U.S.A. by April 15, 1999. Submission by e-mail ( or fax (1-206-685-7477)
is possible. Please enclose with your submission a cover letter stating your name,
affiliation, academic position, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. A
complete paper will be due on June 10, 1999.
Call for paper in .pdf format.