Program of the Conference

July 22, 1997
8:30 am - 9:00 am, Welcome and
Registration Session
Chair: Kar-yiu Wong, Organizer, CUHK and University of Washington
Arthur K. C. Li,
Vice-Chancellor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yun-Wing Sung,
Department Head, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bjarne S. Jensen,
Organizer, Copenhagen Business School
9:00 am - 10:30 am, Session I
Chair: Yun-Wing Sung, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Theoretical Perspectives on East Asian Growth"
Ronald Findlay, Columbia
"Hong Kong: The Fragile Economy of Middlemen"
Henry Wan and Jason Weisman, Cornell University
"Trade Gains in Chaotic Equilibria"
Murray C. Kemp,
University of New South Wales, and Koji Shimomura, Kobe University
10:30 am - 10:45 am, Coffee Break
10:45 am - 12:15 pm, Session II
A: Chair: Alan Deardorff, University of Michigan
"Industrialization, Economic Growth and International Trade" -- [Click for the
paper and its abstract.]
Kar-yiu Wong, Chinese
University of Hong Kong and University of Washington, and Chong-Kee Yip, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Koon Lam Shea, University of Hong Kong
"Learning by Doing, Knowledge Spillover and International
Ngo Van Long, McGill
Discussant: Kotaro Suzumura, Hitotsubashi University
"The Visible Hand in Promoting Growth"
Haiying Zhao,
University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Fukunari Kimura, Keio University
B: Chair: Charles A.
Ingene, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"International Trade and Economic Convergence: The Credit
Philip Lane, Columbia
Discussant: Francis Lui, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
"Cyclical Schumpeterian Growth in the Global Economy"
Leonard Cheng, Hong Kong
University of Science & Technology, and Elias
Dinopoulos, University of Florida
Discussant: Peter Skott, University of Aarhus
"The Dynamics of Debt and Growth in Small and Large Open
Gabriel Talmain,
University of York
Discussant: E. Kwan Choi, Iowa State University
12:15 pm - 2:00 pm, Lunch
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm, Session III
A: Chair: Michael
Devereux, University of British Columbia
"Intellectual Property Rights Protection, Foreign Direct Investment
and Innovation"
Amy Jocelyn Glass, Ohio
State University, and Kamal Saggi, Southern Methodist University
Discussant: Emily Cremers, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
"R&D, Human Capital, and Economic Growth"
Christian Groth,
University of Copenhagen
Discussant: Liu Chun Wah, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"North-South Product Cycles and Technology Transfer"
Edwin Lai, Vanderbilt
Discussant: Seiichi Katayama, Kobe University
B: Chair: Hossein
Jalilian, University of Bradford
"Economic Divergence and Institutional Change: Some Observations on
the Convergence Literature"
Peter Skott, University
of Aarhus
Discussant: Larry Qiu, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
"Income Tax, Property Tax and Tariff in A Small Open Economy"
Charles Ka Yui Leung,
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Hiroshi Ohta, Aoyama Gakuin University
"Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Indian
Satish Chand and Kunal Sen, Australian National
Discussant: Pak-Hung Mo, Hong Kong Baptist University
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm, Coffee Break
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm, Session IV
A: Chair: Victor Mok, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Growth and Wage Inequality with Foreign Investment"
Liansheng Wang,
Australian National University
Discussant: Christian Groth, University of Copenhagen
"Growth, Human Capital and Trade"
Victor Hung, City
University of Hong Kong, and Keith Blackburn, University of Manchester
Discussant: Satish Chand, Australia National University
"International Capital Flows and Growth under Endogenous Degrees of
Complementarity between Domestic and Foreign Capital Goods"
Harm Zebregs, Erasmus
Discussant: Chi-Chur Chao, Chinese University of Hong Kong
B: Chair: Ben-Chieh Liu, National Dong Hwa University
"Growth, Knowledge Transfer and European Integration"
Rasha M. Torstensson,
Lund University
Discussant: Harald Preissler, University of Ulm
"Total Factor Productivity and Outward Orientation in Taiwan: What
is the Nature of the Relationship?"
Sébastien Dessus,
OECD Development Centre
Discussant: Yoo Soo Hong, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
"Empirical Evidence for the Endogenous Growth by Evolution in
Division of Labor"
Been-Lon Chen, Academia
Sinica, Jeff Chien-fu Lin, National Taiwan University, and Xiaokai
Yang, Monash University
Discussant: Yew Kwang Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Monash University
July 23, 1997
9:00 am - 10:30 am, Session V
Chair: Pak-Wai Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Diverging Population and Endogenous Growth" -- [Click for a copy of the paper.]
Alan Deardorff,
University of Michigan
"Human Capital Formation, Asymmetric Information, and the Dynamics
of International Migration"
Oded Stark, University
of Olso and University of Vienna, and Nancy H.
Chau, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
"Catching-Up and Regulation in a Two-Sector Open Economy"
Theo van de Klundert
and Sjak Smulders,
Tilburg University
10:30 am - 10:45 am, Coffee Break
10:45 am - 12:15 pm, Session VI
A: Chair: Lok-Sang Ho, Lingnan College
"Simple Stochastic Dynamic Systems of Growth and Trade"
Bjarne S. Jensen and Chunyan Wang, Copenhagen Business
Discussant: Ngo Van Long, McGill University
"Trade and Growth Dynamics: A VAR Approach"
Zhen Zhu, University of
Discussant: Win-Lin Chou, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Chaotic Equilibrium in a Small Open Overlapping Generations
Economy with Child-Parent Externality"
Koji Shimomura, Kobe
University, and Kazuo Nishimura, Kyoto University
Discussant: Rodney Chun, Chinese University of Hong Kong
B: Chair: Yiu-Kwan Fan, Hong Kong Baptist University
"Foreign Investment and Economic Growth: Theoretical Issues and
Empirical Application to Chinese Provinces (1985-94)"
Sylvie Demurger, OECD
Development Centre and IDREC-CERDI, and Jean-Claude
Berthelemy, OECD Development Centre
Discussant: Sung-Ko Li, Hong Kong Baptist University
"Export Expansion and Economic Growth in China"
Shuanglin Lin,
University of Nebraska-Omaha
Discussant: Masao Oda, Kansai University
"Exports, Foreign Investment and Economic Growth in China"
Discussant: Sean Dougherty, MIT Science & Technology Initiative
12:15 pm - 2:00 pm, Lunch
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm, Session VII
A: Chair: Siang Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Tied Aid, the Current Account and Welfare"
Eden S. H. Yu and Chi-Chur Chao, Chinese University of
Hong Kong
Discussant: Taek Dong Yeo, Yeung Nam University
"Illegal Migration and Growth"
Bharat R. Hazari and Pasquale M. Sgro, Deakin University
Discussant: Chong-Kee Yip, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Foreign Aid and Endogenous Growth"
Sailesh K. Jha, Chinese
University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Young Man Yoon, University of Inchon
B: Chair: Tang Kwong Yiu, Hong Kong Government
"Economic Growth in Asia"
Jong-Wha Lee, Korea
University, Jeffrey D. Sachs and Steve Radelet, Harvard University and HIID
Discussant: Haishun Sun, Deakin University
"Economic Growth and International Trade: the Case of Hong
Kong" -- [Click for the paper and its abstract.]
Win-Lin Chou, Chinese
University of Hong Kong, and Kar-yiu Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Washington
Discussant: Jeff Chien-fu Lin, National Taiwan University
"Long Run Real Exchange Rate Determination: Alternative
Explanations and Evidence from Asian Countries"
Michael Devereux,
University of British Columbia
Discussant: Partha Sen, Delhi School of Economics
6:00 pm - ??, Conference
Dinner |